Dear Dietmar,
wouldn`t it be a nice vision of the future,
being awaken in the middle of a great plot one fine day,
finding ourselves between the storylines of an interesting book.
Something similiar like Gil happened, the protagonist of Midnight in Paris, when he lost his way to the hotel and found himself in the ancient Paris of the 1920ies years meeting F. J. Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and other artists.
What a phantastic dream isn`t it ?
thnks lt fr th chclt :-)
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The marvellous co-moderating Theresa!
@ "Fantastic Flying Books"
At last we will all end up in a book and wake
up in someones memories.
wouldn`t it be a nice vision of the future,
being awaken in the middle of a great plot one fine day,
finding ourselves between the storylines of an interesting book.
Something similiar like Gil happened, the protagonist of Midnight in Paris, when he lost his way to the hotel and found himself in the ancient Paris of the 1920ies years meeting F. J. Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and other artists.
What a phantastic dream isn`t it ?
thnks lt fr th chclt :-)